How we can help

Thinking of starting a business?
- Analysis of business idea and viability
- Kick start your business idea and reach your goals quicker
- Self-employment myth busting

Ready to start a business?
- Mindset and marketing for success
- Introduction to planning and finance
- Launch your business with confidence

Grow your existing business
- Nurture or fast forward your business’ development.
- Increase your skills, knowledge and confidence.
- 1-2-1 business development advice.
Skills &
Do you have the right knowledge and skills to achieve your ambition?

Life &
What are your ideas and ambitions for your business?

Health & Wellbeing
What effect does your health and wellbeing have on your ambitions?

Finances &
How can you improve your financial circumstances?

What our clients say
Am I eligible?
To access support, you must be:
Aged 16 & over

Living or trading address in Greater Manchester

Not sure if you qualify? Contact us to find out.