Behaviour is something we all do. Or don’t do. For example, we choose to organise our receipts and invoices. You decide not to use the last drop of milk because you aren’t motivated to go to the shop more than you can without a cuppa.
I want to share with you a little insight into behaviour change theory. The idea of behaviour change sounds like such a simple concept, maybe too simple. But unless we don’t make any changes, well, nothing will change.

Nothing changes if nothing changes. What a bleak statement when you first read it!
One of the popular models of behaviour change, COM-B, illustrates that for any behaviour to occur, an individual must have the capability, opportunity and motivation to perform it. Capability refers to one’s physical and psychological capacity to perform the behaviour. Opportunity refers to whether one has the relevant physical (e.g. time and resources) or social (e.g. culture and social norms) attributes within the environment, which alongside capability, make a behaviour possible or facilitate it. Motivation, then, either involves conscious thoughts and plans or subconscious desires and habits that energise and affect the behaviour. In other words, the “why” that drives behaviour. It's a combination of these three elements that drive behaviour.
So if we want to change behaviour, we need to ask CAN we change it? Do we have the RESOURCES to change it? Do we WANT to change it? Then we need to DO it!

Joining the gym alone won't transform your physique, but committing to the gym would help.
In the same way, you can see the changes when you apply what you learned from our business coach, finance specialist and health and wellbeing specialist after attending 121s, webinars and training through EnterprisingYou. It starts with YOU.

EnterprisingYou provides fully funded support to the self-employed and gig economy workers across Greater Manchester, including expert health and wellbeing support. If you want to learn more about EnterprisingYou, register online, email or call 0161 667 6900 to speak to our team.
More information about the EnterprisingYou programme can be found here.
About the author
Abby Booth
Health and Wellbeing Specialist
Abby is a qualified Behaviour Change (Health and Wellbeing) practitioner with an academic background in psychology. She has 12 years’ experience working in health and social care roles, from coaching at the NHS 111 service to working in a homelessness hostel and day centre. During this time, she worked with a range of adults from different backgrounds, focusing on improving their health and wellbeing with a person-centred approach.