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New and expectant parents can still benefit from SEISS

Since May, the Government’s Self Employment Income Support scheme (SEISS), has provided financial support to eligible business owners who’s income had been adversely impacted by Covid19. Many have taken advantage of this grant, but for some new mothers and fathers who work for themselves, there may have been an opportunity missed to access some valuable help.

If you are taking a break from your trade because of a new baby or adoption, you may still be eligible because HMRC will treat you as still trading.

Categories: News, Covid-19 support

What is a credit score?

Do you know why you should pay attention to your credit score? A Credit Score is a tool used by lenders to determine whether a person can qualify for a financial product like a loan, credit card, mortgage or insurance.

Customers with a good/excellent credit score are more likely to be offered financial products with a lower rate of interest than customers with a poor credit score.

Categories: News, Our service

Safer retail working under Covid-19

On May 25th, the Government announced further easing of Covid19 restrictions. These include allowing non-essential shops to open in June - provided business owners have carried out necessary risk assessments and are confident in being able to meet their obligations to protect staff, customers and others.

Outdoor venues, such as garden centres, car showrooms and market stalls are expected to be open from June 1.   Other non-essential retailers, such as those selling clothes, electronics and books are scheduled to open from June 15.

Categories: News, Covid-19 support

5 things you need to overcome if you want to change career after you have children

Changing careers is something most of us do or have done in our lives, but why is it that once we are mothers it all seems much scarier?
As a coach I work on the mindset and confidence stories that underpin all our decisions and I have found that there are often common themes that come up for mums when they consider new careers.
With that in mind here are my top 5 obstacles that you need to overcome to really make career change an exciting prospect for you and not the most terrifying ordeal imaginable.

Categories: News

Making every day a good day for your mental health

It’s important to keep in mind that Mental Health is something we all have; it plays a part in everything we do, from the way we process our thoughts and feelings, to how we behave towards others and the decisions we make.

Secondly, it is important to know that you can influence your Mental Health positively in many ways.

Preparing for safer working under Covid-19

A roadmap has been outlined to start bringing back non-essential shops, such as food and drink. Many businesses are now asking themselves how they can get business trading again, and how do they do that safely?

So, what do you need to consider in planning a safe return?

Categories: News, Covid-19 support

5 Tips to improving your mental wellbeing

If someone was to ask you about your health, I’m sure you would automatically think about how your body is working and any issues you might have, but how often do you consider your mental health?
You cannot have health without mental health.

The Ups And Downs Of Being Self-Employed

So, if you’ve taken the plunge to start working for yourself in the last few years and months, you’ll know what a rollercoaster it can be. With the economic impact of the coronavirus hitting us, there are certainly a few more downs than ups this year.  

Categories: News, Covid-19 support

A Check-In on Your Emotional Health

Following the lockdown lots of people are now stuck at home, either alone or with the family. Many of us are finding it increasingly stressful and it’s affecting our emotional health. There are so many different pressures at the moment.

Please don’t worry and just do what you can.
We need to practice self-care so here’s some things that might help.

Categories: Health and Wellbeing

Staying Social

Although social wellbeing may not be something at the forefront of your mind, it is something that we use every day, often without realising.
Every time you buy a coffee, train ticket or get on a bus, you are likely to speak to someone, interact with someone or generally just be around people.
Social wellbeing is an important element of general wellbeing.
It helps us feel supported, helps boost our mental wellbeing and helps us feel connected with the world.

So, what happens when suddenly we are not allowed to be around others, how do we continue being sociable?

Categories: Health and Wellbeing

Seeing through the fog – how a mentor can help you clear a path forward

The benefits of having a mentor are numerous and varied. One of the great advantages of our programme is our ability to match you with the perfect mentor. Whether you need a sounding board for new ideas, strategies for growth, industry expertise or even support with personal growth – we can help.

Categories: Our service

Standing still – it’s a good time to reflect

Since the dawn of the Covid-19 crisis, most of us have lived reactively and impulsively almost day to day, our decisions based on daily updates from the Government or following the latest health advice. Despite Government efforts to provide a measure of shielding, the economy, and therefore jobs, have been affected by the global pandemic with the impact of Covid-19 being felt at every level of our personal and professional lives.

Categories: Covid-19 support

How to stay Scam Safe During the COVID-19  Outbreak Event

You may be aware of the increased reports of scamming during the COVID outbreak, as malicious parties try to take advantage of the current upheaval in work, personal and business practices.  Scammers follow events and constantly look at ways to take advantage, so its important to stay Scam Safe.

Categories: Covid-19 support, News