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JOJO COCO Design – Working hand in hand to express creativity

We chatted with textile and surface pattern designer Joanne Cocker, owner of JOJO COCO Design, about her experience expanding her product line and how EnterprisingYou guided her through the development.

EnterprisingYou offers bespoke support to self-employed and entrepreneurs working with a disability

Greater Manchester’s self-employed and entrepreneurs who are living and working with a disability were invited to attend a bespoke networking event, hosted by EnterprisingYou.

Categories: News

Alison Mosley – A Leap of Faith from Teaching to Counselling

With a passion for working with young people and supporting the mental health of others, EnterprisingYou client Alison decided to take the leap of faith and started her practice of counselling after teaching for 20 years.

Categories: News, Our service

Taking the Pressure Out of Presents

Are you feeling immense pressure at the thought of Christmas present shopping? Read some tips from our Wellbeing Specialist to learn how to ease the pressure.

Categories: Health and Wellbeing

Creative Artist and Owner of Our Curious Panda - Carie Barker

Launching the first creative magazine for kids in the UK that focuses on art and the outdoors, Carie Barker, EnterprisingYou client, shared with us her journey and how she developed Our Curious Panda.

Categories: News, Our service

Chris O'Brien – A bakery for dogs in Manchester

Find out how after over two decades of working nine to five in offices, Chris O'Brien decided to start a new business that combined his talents. Rooted in his family background and his love of dogs.

Categories: News

Event provides support network for Manchester’s self-employed community

On Thursday 29th September, more than 60 freelancers and self-employed business owners joined EnterprisingYou at the Autumn Networking Event at Clockwise, Manchester.

Categories: News

Behaviour Change - It starts with YOU!

Have you ever decided not to use the last drop of milk for a cuppa because you aren’t motivated to go to the shop? Want to change behaviour but don't know how to do it? Read the insight from our Health & Wellbeing Specialist about behaviour change theory and get inspired.

Categories: Health and Wellbeing

Victoria Merness - Crafting her Embroidery Business from Home

To promote the therapeutic practice of stitching through embroidery to help people’s wellbeing, EnterprisingYou client, Victoria Merness, provides a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of city life with the products from her Little House of Victoria.

Categories: News, Health and Wellbeing

Running a Business when the Kids are Running Wild

Having kids and running a business both carry immense joy, stress, satisfaction and pressure. Keeping your business going through the summer is very important but shouldn’t be at the expense of spending quality time with your children, having fun, and making memories. Read some top tips from our Health & Wellbeing Specialist to help you manage the balance between work and family.

Categories: Health and Wellbeing

Nina Daniels - Scandi Homeware Designer and Business Owner

Founded her homeware business NINA D in 2020, Nina designs and produces her unique tableware inspired by her Swedish upbringing and family traditions. Her business has taken off after completing the EnterprisingYou programme. We recently caught up with Nina to learn more about her journey and her plans for the future.

Categories: News, Our service

How To Look After Your Health & Wellbeing When Running Your Business

Health & Wellbeing is important for the self-employed to focus on as often the self-employed are one-man bands. EnterprisingYou business coaches led a discussion in our last women's coffee morning and gathered some top tips to help you improve this area.

Outdoor Learning with Mandy Morrison

With a background in garden design and promoting outdoor learning with the RHS, Mandy Morrison is passionate about children receiving an engaging education through learning in the outdoor environment. Find out more about her and her business.

Categories: News, Our service

Karen Rudd - A Lockdown Self-employed Mum Juggling the Dual Demands of Work and Family

Being a new mum can be a lonely and isolating time, least of all in the height of a pandemic. We spoke with the mumpreneur and EnterprisingYou client to hear her story as she juggled between a clingy baby and a new business, both crying for attention...